2015년 5월 13일 수요일

Design Manifesto_Apple

Designed by Apple – Intention

If everyone
is busy making everything

how can anyone perfect anything?

we start to confuse convnenience
with joy
with choice
designing something requires
the first thing we ask is
what do we want people to feel?
then we begin to craft around our intention
it takes time…
there are a thousand no’s for every yes
we simplify
we perfect
we start over
until everything we touch 
enhances each life 
it touches
only then 
do we sign our work

Apple's design manifesto video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsMtZozZoDU

Design Philosphy_ Think different - User friendly

Provide experience, not function
The value of the product is not the sum of the individual functions and subtracting function is better if it debase the quality of a product.

Appeal to emotion than reason
Emotion bring a conclusion even before starting the rational judgment. Appeal of Apple products is not try to convince. Just it creates an impression with the product. Finally it makes users to justify the reason why they purchase the product.

Not a single product, the platform
The basic philosophy of Apple's mobile devices is to develop and foster the platform that is based on the product. Ultimately, the customer loyalty is higher.
Apple is more favorable than Amazon because of its granting of pricing power.

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